By Alexander Johnathan Taylor
I’m worried. In recent weeks, things have gone from bad to worse; I don’t know what to do anymore, or how to help him… now that the unthinkable has happened.
WARNING: This is no ordinary blog.
Each story has a narrator, and each destiny has its own protagonist, but from time to time, the rest of the characters involved also like to vent or tell their own version; short, but just as important. Here, you will find untold texts, some published and some others that would never see the light if it weren’t for this site, but take place within the same expanding universe.
WARNING #2: Beware of the easter eggs between the lines.
By Alexander Johnathan Taylor
I’m worried. In recent weeks, things have gone from bad to worse; I don’t know what to do anymore, or how to help him… now that the unthinkable has happened.